Intercounty Interleague Info Team Contact Venue
England Team 2017

Member of the English Pool Association
Cambridgeshire Pool Association

Member of the English Pool Association
Cambridgeshire Pool Association

Member of the English Pool Association
Cambs Pool Association


Click here for the CPA Scoreboard …

Next Fixture: Intercounty, 9th Mar 2025, Suffolk v Cambridgeshire, All Sections


Welcome to the site dedicated to all things 8 Ball Pool in Cambridgeshire. We hope that you will find all the information you need about competitive pool in the local area, including Intercounty and Interleague International Rules pool organised under the umbrella of the English Pool Association, recognised by Sport England as the governing body for pool in England.

Cambs Logo

Please make the most of your visit to our website, and if you can't find what you're looking for, please do not hesitate to contact us, and someone will get back to you as soon as possible. If you would like to be kept up-to-date with what's going on in with Pool in and around Cambridgeshire, please sign up to our Facebook Page and get updates sent directly to your mobile phone and email inbox.


Cambridgeshire is one of 6 counties that make up Region 4 of the English Pool Association (EPA). The other counties in this region are Hertfordshire, Suffolk, Norfolk, Bedfordshire and Essex.

Venues & Fixtures …

2025 Fixtures
9th Mar 2025
Intercounty, All Sections
Suffolk v Cambridgeshire
Norfolk v Bedfordshire
Hertfordshire v Essex
13th Apr 2025
Intercounty, All Sections
Cambridgeshire v Norfolk
Bedfordshire v Essex
Suffolk v Hertfordshire
11th May 2025
Intercounty, All Sections
Essex v Cambridgeshire
Hertfordshire v Bedfordshire
Norfolk v Suffolk
8th Jun 2025
Intercounty, All Sections Except Over 60's
Cambridgeshire v Bedfordshire
Suffolk v Essex
Norfolk v Hertfordshire
6th Jul 2025
Intercounty, All Sections
Hertfordshire v Cambridgeshire
Suffolk v Bedfordshire
Norfolk v Essex
14th Sep 2025
Intercounty, All Sections
Cambridgeshire v Suffolk
Bedfordshire v Norfolk
Essex v Hertfordshire
12th Oct 2025
Intercounty, All Sections
Norfolk v Cambridgeshire
Essex v Bedfordshire
Hertfordshire v Suffolk
9th Nov 2025
Intercounty, All Sections
Cambridgeshire v Essex
Bedfordshire v Hertfordshire
Suffolk v Norfolk
14th Dec 2025
Intercounty, All Sections Except Over 60's
Bedfordshire v Cambridgeshire
Essex v Suffolk
Hertfordshire v Norfolk


Intercounty Team Captains
Men's A Ivan Knight
Men's B Tim Redman
Ladies Sam Baker
Under 23's Liam Mills
Over 50's Andy Mear
Over 60's Mark Golden
Under 18's CJ Mewse
Under 18's Manager Jay Mills


Cambs Outline

Interleague Team Captains
Cambridge Garry Browne
Mickey Flynn's John Chapman
P'boro Wack Um Sarah Cook
Huntingdon Jay Willis
Cosmic Keys Nick Smith
Court Bandits Carl Watkins
St Ives James Penfold

Cambridgeshire play a full interleague fixture list for all the affiliated local league teams that wish to participate. Also included in the season is a knock out cup.

Teams from Cambridgeshire regularly attend the EPA national interleague finals for both the interleague and the interleague knock out cup events and have achieved the highest level success over the years.

Current season fixture list can be found here.

All the statistics for the current season can be viewed here.


The Cambridgeshire Pool Association has a number of affiliated leagues who run and organise their own pool events locally, and also participate in the Intercounty and national Interleague events. Some of these leagues encompass seasonal variations and even variants that play on different nights of the week, meaning that the actual total number of county affiliated leagues is larger than you might think.

These leagues are (including links to their own website pages):


Intercounty Pool
EPA Region Data 2024
EPA Region Data 2023
Intercounty Fixtures 2025
44 Frame Intercounty Result Sheet (Adults & Over 50's)
36 Frame Intercounty Result Sheet (Under 18's)
20 Frame Intercounty Result Sheet (Under 23's)
12 Frame Intercounty Result Sheet (Over 60's)
Region 4 Directory 2025
EPA Intercounty Rules

Interleague Pool
League Results & Data 2024
Interleague Fixtures 2024
League Match Result Card
Cup Match Result Card
Cambs Interleague Rules 2024
Interleague Team Registration Form
EPA Interleague Rules

English Pool Association
EPA Documentation
Region 4 Constitution
Player Registration Form
EPA Calendar
HM Government Covid Guidelines

Cambridgeshire Pool Association
League Affiliation Form

Playing Rules
International Rules v2c (May 2023)
International Rules v2c (May 2023) A3 Poster
International Rules v2c (May 2023) Updates Over v2b
International Rules v2b (Jan 2023) Updates Over v2
International Rules v2 (Nov 2022) Updates Over v1a
International Rules Quick Start Guide
International Rules Referee Calling Procedures


Meet the team - the CPA Committee:

Andy Mear

Andy Mear


Steve Peregrine

Steve Peregrine

Vice Chair

Wayne Martin

Wayne Martin

Acting Secretary

Ed Richardson

Ed Richardson


Garry Browne

Garry Browne

Interleague Secretary

Sarah Cook

Sarah Cook

Team Manager

Steve Peregrine

Steve Peregrine

Web Master

John Roe

John Roe

Venue Manager

Security Image

Cambridgeshire's Venue

Please pop in for a game of Pool or Snooker.

  The Court Snooker & Pool Club, Mallard Road, Bretton, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, PE3 8YN


  01733 262905

  The Court Pool & Snooker Club

  Manager: John Roe

  The club has a decent amount of on-site parking. If needed, additional parking is available at the bowling alley nearby for a small fee. Please be responsible when selecting your parking options.

  The main arena of The Court, pool tables and bar area all easily accessible at ground floor level, but the toilets are upstairs with no lift access.

  The Court Club offers 8 English 8 Ball pool tables, Snooker tables, fully licensed bar and hot food facilities.